Welcome to the Bribie Island Orchid Society.
We welcome you to the wonderful world of orchid growing. We hope that you enjoy our sections on growing orchids, orchid information, our orchid shows and the many great orchid photographs that we have for you to view. Bribie Island Orchid Society takes pride in the manner which it caters for the new grower who is just starting out to the experienced grower. At both the New Growers and the Monthly Cultural Meetings, folk happily exchange information on how to get the best results in our region as well as assisting with ‘hands on’ sessions. All growers are encouraged to bring plants for showing and to compete in friendly rivalry with those of a similar standard and level of competence.
The Association was established to:
- Promote good fellowship among all people interested in Orchid culture and in horticulture generally.
- Further the knowledge and advancement of all that pertains to Orchids, particularly their natural history, cultivation and hybridization and the dissemination of such knowledge.
- Carry out research and educational activities into all aspects of the orchidaceae.
- Assist the Federal and State Governments in preventing destruction of our native flora and to conserve by cultivation species threatened with extinction by land development.
The fundamentals of successful orchid growing in practice, are also explained when the groups visit various orchid nurseries or collections at homes.