To find out more about the Bribie Island Orchid Society, please contact us.

The Secretary
Bribie Island Orchid Society Inc.
PO Box 127

Secretary – Teresa Watson
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Phone: 04 0778 2290

Cultural Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month (January to November inclusive) at The Orchid House, 156A First Avenue, Bribie Island. The Meeting commences at 1.30pm and orchids & foliage are to be benched by 1.15pm. You are encouraged to arrive by 1.00pm.  All members and visitors are welcome.

New Growers Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month (February to December inclusive) at The Orchid House, 156A, First Avenue, Bribie Island. The meeting commences at 1.30p.m and orchids & foliage are to be benched by 1.15pm. You are encouraged to arrive by 1.00pm.

All members and visitors are welcome.
As we sometimes have meetings away from the Orchid House, please check current Bulletin for changes of venue.



Thanks for your Valued Support